14080 Palm Drive Suite E

Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240


Food Now DHS

Wed&Thu 7:30-10:30 am

Distribution Hours

FOOD NOW was Founded in 1959

Desert Hot Springs is known for their healing mineral waters, people come from all over the world to bath in them and they have for many years.

But beneath the surface there is tragedy. Nearly thirty four percent of the people here live below the poverty line, more than twice the national average.

Dana Johnson, Executive Director

Food insecurity is where somebody doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from. They don’t know how they’re going to put food on the table. Hunger is that actual physical hardship the physical feeling of not having enough food to eat.

Food Now is dedicated to improving the lives of those who are struggling here a Desert Hot Springs and the entire Coachella Valley. We believe that by strengthening families entire communities rise up, we believe by addressing the issues of food insecurity and hunger that we can impact lives and that in fact it will impact generations.

Some of the People We Serve

Testimonials From Past Clients

Brenda Banks

The group of volunteers at this Food Now program are the very best, caring, hard working which makes my Thursdays! The food is delicious and such great variety. It’s like Christmas 4X’s a month. I was embarrassed needing help, now just grateful! Also thanks meow from my kittens. Brenda Banks

Danny Farnham

Dear Food Now, I am sending a check for $50 as a show of how grateful I am of the services you provide to the community. You are truly a blessing. Not sure if I would have made it through some of my roughest days if beautiful people like you did not exist. Wish I could do more. I will never forget your kindness. With Love, Danny Farnham

Daniel Summers

To ALL the wonderful gals & guys who volunteer at the Food Now, Inc distribution in DHS I doubt that you fully realize the truly invaluable contribution you make to my life and well being, and many many others I am sure. I recently had to purchase a few items at a regular grocery store for an unexpected guest. I was amazed, horrified and practically in shock at the prices of some of the food items I purchased for a simple salad: 99 cents for a bunch of green onions, $1.00 each for a green pepper and a pound of puny carrots. Fortunately I had lettuce from Food Now or that would have cost $4.00. I eat quite well, thanks to your program. I live on Social Security and a small pension. If it weren't for all the hard work of you kind folks, I would be up the creek without a paddle. I don't know how I would eat anything but ramen noodles and rice, and wouldn't that be exciting. I know you people get exhausted and tired of dealing with the few ungrateful SOB 's that give you a hard time. But let me tell you that the other 98% of us are extremely grateful for your efforts. You are all good people and God will surely bless you all for your good works and kindness. Most sincerely, Daniel Summers

Sylvia Lithgow

Dear Friends, This morning I picked up my weekly food parcels an am again so very delighted and grateful! I can’t adequately express what a difference you all have made in my life the last few months! I look forward to going (yes, you’ve made it so easy to bear), am excited to get home and see what goodies you’ve included- like today’s cookies and oranges and jam- along with the “healthy” staples, and can consume all week long. Really appreciate the vegetables and fresh fruit, absent from my kitchen for a year or more before I found you, Thank you for all your work, your attitude, the creativity of your selections, and your generosity. You’ve affected my tummy and my attitude and even the propane I can now afford during our last cold spell. Blessings to you all. Rev. Sylvia Lithgow